
Short Form Assessment Scales

Do you need a simple yet highly effective way to measure the severity of your clients' problems? Do you need to measure and demonstrate good quality assurance in terms of results? In terms of outcomes? For nearly three decades the Walmyr Assessment Scales have been used worldwide by human services professionals to evaluate and monitor client progress.

View Short Form Assessment Scales

Multi-Dimensional Assessment Scales

Do you need a simple yet highly effective way to conduct comprehensive multidimensional assessments of your clients' problems? Do you need to measure and demonstrate good quality assurance in terms of results? In terms of outcomes? The multidimensional assessment scales described here are powerful yet simple tools which you can use to evaluate and monitor client progress.

View Multi-Dimensional Assessment Scales

Getting Started

If you are not familiar with the Walmyr Assessment Scales, we recommend you begin by purchasing the Walmyr Assessment Scale Scoring Manual to learn more about the short-form assessment scales that will be most useful to you and your clients. You may also want to purchase one or more pads of the Walmyr Assessment Scale Training Package which contains five copies of the ten most widely used scales:

  • Generalized Contentment Scale
  • Index of Self-Esteem
  • Index of Marital Satisfaction
  • Index of Sexual Satisfaction
  • Index of Parental Attitudes
  • Child's Attitude Toward Mother
  • Child's Attitude Toward Father
  • Index of Family Relations
  • Index of Peer Relations
  • Index of Clinical Stress

Order the scoring manual and a few pads of scales and discover how you can master client assessment and quality assurance problems to produce valid and reliable outcomes of your service delivery efforts.

High Reliability & Validity

The Walmyr Assessment Scales were designed for use in repeated administrations with the same clients to assess initial problem status and to monitor client progress over time. Each scale has a very good to excellent validity coefficient and the reliabilities of all our scales is .90 or better! The Walmyr Assessment Scales are an accurate and reliable means to evaluate your clients before, during, and after treatment.

Scoring Manual

The Walmyr Assessment Scale Scoring Manual (second edition) is the essential technical reference for all of our short-form assessment scales. The manual provides you with descriptions of each assessment scale, instructions about how to administer and score the scales, summaries of validation research findings (reliability and validity), references to the published psychometric research, grade-level readability statistics, and sample copies of each scale.

Convenient Administration

The Walmyr Assessment Scales are available in pads of 50 copies each, ready to use with your clients. Simply peel off the top copy and give it to your client to complete. With our convenient tear-off pads, using and scoring them are simpler and easier than ever before. Order a few pads today and see for yourself why so many professionals are using the Walmyr Assessment Scales.

Administering the Walmyr Assessment Scales became even easier with our new WAS EASy application! This browser-based application enables clinicians and researchers to administer the Walmyr Assessment Scales via computer/internet almost instantly for one to a thousand respondents at a time. Scales are scored automatically when respondents finish the assessment. See the WAS EASy announcement page for details.

Computer Scoring

Although the Walmyr Assessment Scales are very easy to administer, score, and interpret, you may wish to have computer scoring capability to insure accuracy and to save time when large quantities are used. The Walmyr Assessment Scale Scoring Program for the Web (WASSPWeb), provides a quick and easy means of scoring any of our assessment scales.